I don’t know why we insult God + even our own intelligence

-         Nor why we allow our governments to teach this junk to our chil dren

o       And not only do they teach it as the only theory to how His-tory began

§         But talk about it as law

·        Calling it as undisputable

o       Denying the religious part to it


trying to fool ourselves, (and our upcoming children)

into believing this crazy theory

that we came from the dust of the earth

(without the Hand of God forming us)

starting out as bacteria and then the result of billions of genetic mistakes


Ok, do you even know how complex our genetic makeup is?

There is enough complexity in the simplest cell in our body

(as in, there are enough letters in the genetic code)

here is a quote from the:

Center for Scientific Creation

there is enough information capacity in a single human cell to store the Encyclopaedia Britannica, all 30 volumes of it, three or four times over”


NOW,,, how can any sane person, reasonably think that

-         all of this just simply fell into place

o       billions + billions of little mistakes

§         that all turned out to be for the better

THEN,,, no one can explain where all of these innumerable atoms came from

-         they are what everything is made of

o       yet they are too small to see or even measure

§         we are still not sure of how they are made

·        notice I say ”made”, as in formed

o       as in, purposely created

§         because of their amazing complexity

-         we only know that they hold massive amounts of energy in them

o       we found this out by crudely breaking one

§         which took the smartest minds on the planet

·        to smash only a few them

o       creating sooo much crude explosive power

§         that they even worried about igniting the upper atmosphere

-         we also know that all matter,(atoms) has a limited life expectancy

o       as it can only exist for a limited time

§         and all of everything will eventually disintegrate

·        running out of energy

o       complex forms of energy




I believe that God has given me great wisdom,

along with the willingness and ability to be taught all things,

I believe that He has given me the ability to explain our world around us

He shows me how to score off the charts in most all IQ tests,

That should get them to stand up and take notice,

But they have the reins, to give me the ability to take a costly test

Because I cannot afford to take them on my own

I think that God would show me all of societies paper walls,

pointing out to me the flaws in their armour,


Then there is matter,,,

What everything is made up of,

If it is extremely rare, and against all odds,

To have a planet be the right size = mass,

And the exact right distance from the sun,

To be in regular orbits,

ATOM = the biggest problem to evolution

A Tremendous Obstacle Manufactured,,, lol


Then think of all the atoms in the universe,

Which all have multiple electrons,

All of which are in perfect orbits,

What kind of explosion,

Formed these complex atoms,

And how long will they continue,


I want to tear apart this fantasy we call evolution


I will put out this challenge,

          To this whole pagan world system,

I will debate anybody, any time, any place,

(on the web, as I cannot afford air fair,,, lol)

          on the evolution/creation debate

I promise you, that they will all find reasons to not debate me,

          Because they have no defence for the Truth,

                    And do not want to debate anything with me,

                              Nor any other born again, Blood bought Saint,

I believe that God has equipped this Warrior,

          With one of the greatest minds = highest IQ,

                    Just at this time in His-story,

                              To do battle with evil forces hiding behind this world system,

                                        God always equips His Saints for battle,

                                                  Even if I cannot be this warrior,

                                                            He will send someone who can,


I will also put out a challenge about IQ tests,

          Where I believe that God has given me the brainpower,

                    To best all IQ test accuracy ratings,

                              Maybe even scoring the highest ever recorded


God teaches me all that I ask,

          And I ask a lot,,, lol


 With so little time left,

,,, less than one year,,,

I would like to work 24/7,


But although I have been known to go 3 or 4 days,

without any down time,,,

I usually pass out,

for two to three hours most nights,,, lol


I love God,

with all of my heart,

and I want to assist Him all that I can,


as I believe that He has giving me,

an incredibly inquisitive  mind,

He teaches me all that I ask,

I hope that I maybe able to shake up this world,


I want to dissolve this evolution hoax/fairy tale,

so that I can tear down the paper walls of this world system,


I would like to know how these scientists explain,

-how the earth has been orbiting the sun,

--for millions, if not billions of years,

---without the fuel burning up long ago,

,,, and if they think that they can make up a good excuse for that one,


I would hit them with,,,

- how do you explain it remaining in orbit

-- while our Sun shrinks,

--- as it burns off its fuel,

---- giving us the light we so desperately need,


And not only the earth,

-but how about the rest of the planets,

--how did they all stay in their orbits,

---with the diminishing size, (+ gravity pull) of our sun,

----over such a great span on time,,,


sun = fuel burning out, it could not be billions of years old

moon = leaving its orbit in few tens of thousand years + life cannot exist without it, (dead oceans)

proton decay = all matter in universe has an expiry date,,, and there is none being made anymore,

Atomic structure = everything,(all matter) is made up of atoms

-          we still have not figured out all of the complexities of how they are formed

-          nor do we know what they are made of

-          we only know that they have massive amounts of energy in them = (atomic bombs)


radio active material,,,

   - how is there any radio active material still left on this earth,

   - wouldn’t it all have been decomposed long ago,

   - or does that mean that the earth had to start out being 99,9% radio active material,


God gave me this mind for a reason,

Maybe I can become a “John the Baptist” to ”that prophet”

As in, a forerunner to him


I wish that I could find a way to take,

Some better, (more accurate) IQ tests,

I scored 135 on a free online test that was rated accurate to 120 = (+ 15)

I scored 165 on a free online test that was rated accurate to 145 = (+ 20)

And with God’s Help,

(John 14:26) = “He shall teach you all things”

I believe that I would be able to best every IQ test that they could throw my way,


I wish to use this mind,,,

to challenge the scientists of this world system,

showing them how the Signature of God is in all of Creation


Your Bro, 

.      .       joe  

Just one of His creations:


The Evolution Solution


This world knows there is a God; it just does not want the public to know about Him.

-         It is Him that created this universe, and everything that is in it, including us.

-         It is Him that is in total control, and He that has the final say ON ALL THINGS.

-         Why else would they not allow creation to be taught, along side of evolution

-         They say it’s because of its religious aspects, but evolution is the religion of HUMANIST not atheism

-         We always think ourselves too wise, to have to listen to someone else, even though it’s God

-         I think that I heard, that the odds of the first, the simplest cell forming by chance, was one in the total number of atoms in the known universe

-         We know the God’s laws of the natural world, the one of energy always having to enter a system, and entropy, that all things are winding down. Who put the energy into it in the first place

-         Nuclear material, which is not created by anything, and has such a small half-life, is still here, telling us that it cant be even millions, let alone billions of years old

-         Coal can be made in hours, under enough pressure and temperature

-         They found human foot prints in same layer as dinosaur foot prints

-         I hear that they even found a battery and other man made items in these supposedly ancient rocks

-         Fossils are only formed when they are buried quickly and deeply, as in a flood, but they deny the biblical flood, and say it was a lot of small floods taking place at different times, even though the same layer is all around this earth

-         The earth was a greenhouse, with layer of water in the outer atmosphere, that is why tropical plants are found near the north + south poles. They’re excuse is that the mantles moved

-         The world, and its ruler, Satan, does not want us to believe in God, a maker of all things

-         This world hides all the evidence to the contrary, and there are massive amounts, that I know of. Just think of all the proofs that is out there, that we do not know of, because of many people hiding it

-         It’s like we are in a court battle, with only a prosecutor, and no defense council, or at least non that has the guts to speak up

-         How do we get the people that have discovered the evidence, that proves that there was a creator, and to bring it to the light of the world.

-         I think that we should all wonder, and maybe even worry, about anybody or organization, especially a government, that hides the truth, not letting us to decide for ourselves whether something is worthy or knowing

Proof of God


1. To church


- The winning team

Tell how we have no fear of science,,,

- His math and sciences proves His existence, and that there is a Creator

o He says that he put His signature on all of creation

o Scientist that delve deep in to His creation,,, are seeing how complex everything is,,, His signature,,, and are becoming believers in record #s

o But society denies it, and wont teach it, because it goes against the separation of church and state

o Besides Satan runs it all, and pics and chooses what lies are taught]

o This is slowly changing though,,, but not fast enough

- Then we need to show them how the science in the bible, prove that He is God

- Ireducable complexity

- Why is there still any radioactive material left.

o Its halflife, makes it improbable, that any would still remain,,,

o As none is being created any more

o Find out if over billions of years,,, calculations would mean, to have some left, the earth might have had to be mostly or all radiioactive material back then,,,,,,, and how could life start,,, with so much radiation,, cooking everything

- Universe was created out of nothing,,, scientist now say,,, find out where

- Tell how I heard that clear gold was a new theory,,,

o A theory because gold cannot be purified enough, to be provin, with todays technology

o Say that it came from a science journal

o Ask for the church to help in finding it

o This would be the most scientifi proof, of this being writen by a intelligence beyoud ours\\

o I

- Find human footprints in rock

- Find where a battery was found in rock,,, a potery with a metal bar

- evolution is only a theory,,, not science,,, but a religeon of athiest,,, he was trying to prove that there was no god

o find out why he believed this

o and proof that was how he thought


I have website,,, “one Christian Warrior” – which I'm starting, as a precursor


- Are all identical,,, no variation at all,,, proving there was no evolution

o Why would they not have slight changes

- Fosiles are only formed with floods, or landslides

- Why are there flood all over the world,,,, does that not mean global flood,,, if only local,,,,,, then why is the layers the same thickness

o The more I find out about fossiles,,, the more holes I can poke in the misrepresentation of evolution

- They are so numberous,,,,,,, and yet all identical,,, with not even the smallest of differences,,,,,,,,,, it is a sure sign, that evolution did not happen

The accuracy of the recorded history in the bible

Medical knowledge in the Bible

How the earth is seen as a sphere.,,, hung on nothingness



This is just the start,,, I feel that this could grow into an endless quest,,,

I will put my God given skills of writing into all of this, but I would greatly enjoy any assistance and pointers

He has blessed me with sooo much,,,

- Now even given me the ability to devote all my time, on studying His word

- I felt uncomfortable, spending time on my scriptaul study

- Now I live on a pension


This is only a start,,,

- This is something that my heart is fully in

- This is a thing that He seems to guide me too



I’m sorry if I sound too sure of myself,,, and my ability to compose this document

- But I can be sure, that He will help it come to pass

- I believe that it is His will

- If not us,,, He will find someone else

- And with the help of His Body, here in our small congregation, and in the rest of His Body, how ever large that He sees fit to grow this “Pre Trib Force”

o the name does not matter,,, it is the idea,,, of taking our schools back



Use “proof of God” writing to be used in conjunction,,, to add to the debate,,, or should I say our double barrel, fully provable, solid aguement

I will keep working on this this letter maybe adding some to it,,, but mainly correcting the wording, and making it easier to understand

I want to pretty this up, organize points, s placed in a sequenbtial

Let me tell you a little about,,, this thrilling ride that we all have been blessd ,,, just because we chose wizely,,, to accept His gift,,,,,,,, of taking Jesus into our heart

This is a double sided blade, it may cut you also,,, as it may open your eyes, to the real hhearts of friends and family,,,,,,,, sorry

I feel mixed feelings, so much pleasure, in being able to share this with you, and then again I’m weary of how close we are coming, to His blessed return,,, where we will not be able to help our friends family,,,,, one bad thing

I don’t know if I should mention this or not, and believe it or not, I do not feel comfortable telling you this,,, and He hates a proud heart, above all else, so this confirms to me that He does not like it,,,, but I feel that it might have some realivance to my argument,,,,,,,,,, I recently took an IQ test, to help prove my competancy, so that I could be allowed to get myself into an appartment, and out of a long term care vasility

I took quite a few of them, but i will tell you about the first and the lasst oine that I took,,,

- I should also tell you about how I took

- So you are now looking at, and listening to the words of a man who loves God with all that makes me exists,,,,,,,, and I do love everyone else better than myself

with details even, like names and dates

- The winning team

Tell how we have no fear of science,,,

- His math and sciences proves His existence, and that there is a Creator

o He says that he put His signature on all of creation

o Scientist that delve deep in to His creation,,, are seeing how complex everything is,,, His signature,,, and are becoming believers in record #s

o But society denies it, and wont teach it, because it goes against the separation of church and state

o Besides Satan runs it all, and pics and chooses what lies are taught]

o This is slowly changing though,,, but not fast enough

- Then we need to show them how the science in the bible, prove that He is God

- Ireducable complexity

- Why is there still any radioactive material left.

o Its halflife, makes it improbable, that any would still remain,,,

o As none is being created any more

o Find out if over billions of years,,, calculations would mean, to have some left, the earth might have had to be mostly or all radiioactive material back then,,,,,,, and how could life start,,, with so much radiation,, cooking everything

- Universe was created out of nothing,,, scientist now say,,, find out where

- Tell how I heard that clear gold was a new theory,,,

o A theory because gold cannot be purified enough, to be provin, with todays technology

o Say that it came from a science journal

o Ask for the church to help in finding it

o This would be the most scientifi proof, of this being writen by a intelligence beyoud ours\\

o I

- Find human footprints in rock

- Find where a battery was found in rock,,, a potery with a metal bar

- evolution is only a theory,,, not science,,, but a religeon of athiest,,, he was trying to prove that there was no god

o find out why he believed this

o and proof that was how he thought

I have website,,, “one Christian Warrior” – which I'm starting, as a precursor


- Are all identical,,, no variation at all,,, proving there was no evolution

o Why would they not have slight changes

- Fosiles are only formed with floods, or landslides

- Why are there flood all over the world,,,, does that not mean global flood,,, if only local,,,,,, then why is the layers the same thickness

o The more I find out about fossiles,,, the more holes I can poke in the misrepresentation of evolution

- They are so numberous,,,,,,, abd yet all identical,,, with not even the smallest of differences,,,,,,,,,, it is a sure sign, that evolution did not happen

The accuracy of the recorded history in the bible

Medical knowledge in the Bible

How the earth is seen as a sphere.,,, hung on nothingness



This is just the start,,, I feel that this could grow into an endless quest,,,

I will put my God given skills of writing into all of this, but I would greatly enjoy any assistance and pointers

He has blessed me with sooo much,,,

- Now even given me the ability to devote all my time, on studying His word

- I felt uncomfortable, spending time on my scriptaul study

- Now I live on a pension


This is only a start,,,

- This is something that my heart is fully in

- This is a thing that He seems to guide me too


I’m sorry if I sound too sure of myself,,, and my ability to compose this document

- But I can be sure, that He will help it come to pass

- I believe that it is His will

- If not us,,, He will find someone else

- And with the help of His Body, here in our small congregation, and in the rest of His Body, how ever large that He sees fit to grow this “Pre Trib Force”

o the name does not matter,,, it is the idea,,, of taking our schools back

Use “proof of God” writing to be used in conjunction,,, to add to the debate,,, or should I say our double barrel, fully provable, solid aguement

I will keep working on this this letter maybe adding some to it,,, but mainly correcting the wording, and making it easier to understand

I want to pretty this up, organize points, s placed in a sequenbtial

Let me tell you a little about,,, this thrilling ride that we all have been blessd ,,, just because we chose wizely,,, to accept His gift,,,,,,,, of taking Jesus into our heart

This is a double sided blade, it may cut you also,,, as it may open your eyes, to the real hhearts of friends and family,,,,,,,, sorry

I feel mixed feelings, so much pleasure, in being able to share this with you, and then again I’m weary of how close we are coming, to His blessed return,,, where we will not be able to help our friends family,,,,, one bad thing

I don’t know if I should mention this or not, and believe it or not, I do not feel comfortable telling you this,,, and He hates a proud heart, above all else, so this confirms to me that He does not like it,,,, but I feel that it might have some realivance to my argument,,,,,,,,,, I recently took an IQ test, to help prove my competancy, so that I could be allowed to get myself into an appartment, and out of a long term care vasility

I took quite a few of them, but i will tell you about the first and the lasst oine that I took,,,

- I should also tell you about how I took

- So you are now looking at, and listening to the words of a man who loves God with all that makes me exists,,,,,,,, and I do love everyone else better than myself


Medical knowledge in the Bible

How the earth is seen as a sphere.,,, hung on nothingness



This is just the start,,, I feel that this could grow into an endless quest,,,

I will put my God given skills of writing into all of this, but I would greatly enjoy any assistance and pointers

He has blessed me with sooo much,,,

- Now even given me the ability to devote all my time, on studying His word

- I felt uncomfortable, spending time on my scriptaul study

- Now I live on a pension


This is only a start,,,

- This is something that my heart is fully in

- This is a thing that He seems to guide me too


I’m sorry if I sound too sure of myself,,, and my ability to compose this document

- But I can be sure, that He will help it come to pass

- I believe that it is His will

- If not us,,, He will find someone else

- And with the help of His Body, here in our small congregation, and in the rest of His Body, how ever large that He sees fit to grow this “Pre Trib Force”

o the name does not matter,,, it is the idea,,, of taking our schools back



Use “proof of God” writing to be used in conjunction,,, to add to the debate,,, or should I say our double barrel, fully provable, solid aguement

I will keep working on this this letter maybe adding some to it,,, but mainly correcting the wording, and making it easier to understand

I want to pretty this up, organize points, s placed in a sequenbtial

Let me tell you a little about,,, this thrilling ride that we all have been blessd ,,, just because we chose wizely,,, to accept His gift,,,,,,,, of taking Jesus into our heart

This is a double sided blade, it may cut you also,,, as it may open your eyes, to the real hhearts of friends and family,,,,,,,, sorry

I feel mixed feelings, so much pleasure, in being able to share this with you, and then again I’m weary of how close we are coming, to His blessed return,,, where we will not be able to help our friends family,,,,, one bad thing


o the name does not matter,,, it is the idea,,, of taking our schools back




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